Items where Year is 1966
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Bhatia, D. S. and Parpia, H. A. B. and Baliga, B. P. (1966) Peanut Protein Isolate-Production and Properties. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 3 (1). pp. 2-12.
Bhatia, D. S. and Parpia, H. A. B. and Baliga, B. R. (1966) Peanuts protein isolate - Production and properties. Journal of Food Science and Technology (India), 3. pp. 2-12.
Bhattacharya, K. R. and Subba Rao, P. V. (1966) Effect of processing conditions on quality of parboiled rice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 14. pp. 476-479.
Bhattacharya, K. R. and Subba Rao, P. V. (1966) Processing conditions and milling yield in parboiling of rice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 14. pp. 473-475.
Chandrashekhara, M. R. and Shurpalekar, S. R. and Subba Rao, B. H. and Soma, Kurien. and Kantha, S. (1966) Development of infant foods based on soybean. Journal of Food Science and Technology (India), 3. pp. 94-97.
Dang, R. L. (1966) Canning of Parwal. Indian Food Packer, 20 (1). pp. 16-17.
Dani, N. P. and Amla, B. L. (1966) Containers for transport of fish. Indian Food Packer, 20 (2). pp. 30-36.
Dani, N. P. and Baliga, B. R. and Kadkol, S. B. and Lahiry, N. L. (1966) Proximate composition and nutritive value of leg meat of two edible species of frogs, Rana hexadactyla and R. tigrina. Journal of Food Science and Technology (India), 3. pp. 109-110.
Daniel, V. A. and Leela, R. and Doraiswamy, T. R. and Rajalakshmi, D. and Venkat Rao, S. and Swaminathan, M. and Parpia, H. A. B. (1966) The effect of supplementing a poor kaffir corn (Sorghum vulgare) diet with L-lysine and DL-threonine on the digestibility coefficient, biological value and net utilisation of proteins and retention of nitrogen in children. Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 3. pp. 10-14.
Eapen, K. E. and Kalbag, S. S. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1966) Key operations in the wet-rendering of peanut for the isolation of protein, oil and starch. Journal of American Oil Chemists' Society, 43. pp. 585-589.
Eapen, K. E. and Ramanathan, P. K. (1966) Process for the production of instant mash potato. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 3. pp. 66-68.
Eapen, K. E. and Ramanathan, P. K. (1966) Vacuum puffing and dehydration of potato. Food Technology, 20. pp. 191-193.
Gundu Rao, H. R. and Majumder, S. K. (1966) Repellency of Kaempferia galanga Linn. (Zingiberaceae) to adults of Tribolium castaneum (Hbst). Science and Culture, 32. pp. 461-462.
Indira, A. S. Murthy and Doraiswamy, T. R. and Sankaran, A. N. and Nataraja, N. (1966) Some observations on anthropometric measurements of school children. Sankhya, 28B. pp. 205-212.
Kadkol, S. B. (1966) Biochemical changes during idli fermentation. Journal of Food Science and Technology (India), 3 (1). pp. 26-27.
Kantharaj Urs, M. and Bains, G. S. (1966) Effect of variation in pre-cooking of peanuts on the stability of partially defatted meals. Oleagineux, 21. pp. 231-232.
Kariappa, C. B. and Sathyanarayana Rao, B. A. and Siddappa, G. S. (1966) Studies on the canning of Coorg mandrain orange segments. Journal of Food Science and Technology (India), 3 (3). pp. 101-102.
Krishna, R. V. and Krishnaswamy, P. R. (1966) Accumulation of acetyl amino acids during chloromycetin induced inhibition of protein synthesis in @Escherichia coli@. Life Sciences, 5. pp. 2053-2059.
Krishnaswamy, M. A. and Rudrasetty, T. M. (1966) Orange oil as preservative for fish sausage. Bulletin of Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries, 32. pp. 972-975.
Kurien, P. P. and Desikachar, H. S. R. (1966) Preparation of a refined white flour from Ragi (Eleusine coracana) using a Laboratory Mill. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 3 (2). pp. 56-58.
Laxminarayana, S. and Subramanyam, H. (1966) Physical, chemical and physiological changes in sapota fruit (Achras sapota Linn.) (Sapotaceae) during development and ripening. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 3 (4). pp. 151-154.
Lewis, Y. S. and Nambudiri, E. S. and Philip, T. (1966) Composition of Cardamom Oils. Perfumery and Essential Oil Records, 57. pp. 623-628.
Lewis, Y. S. and Neelakantan, S. and Philip, T. and Nambudiri, E. S. (1966) Production of white pepper in India. Spices Bulletin, 5 (12). pp. 6-7.
M/s, CFTRI (1966) Ahara Vigynana-1966. Central Food Technological Research Institute.
Mahadeviah, M. (1966) Brown and pink discolouration in some processed fruit and vegetable products and their prevention. Indian Food Packer, 20 (3). pp. 5-9.
Mahadeviah, M. and Siddappa, G. S. (1966) Proximate composition of Garcinia xanthochymus and methods of preserving the fruit. Journal of Food Science and Technology (India), 3. p. 69.
Mahadeviah, M. and Siddappa, G. S. (1966) Recent investigations on corrosion of tin containers in canned food products. Indian Food Packer, 20 (5). pp. 14-17.
Majumder, S. K. and Bano, A. (1966) Reversion of toxicity of tricalcium phosphate to insects by trehalose. Nature, 210. pp. 1052-1053.
Majumder, S. K. and Parpia, H. A. B. (1966) Possible losses of food grains in India. Vijnana Karmee, 18 (4). pp. 5-11.
Nambudiri, E. S. and Philip, T. and Lewis, Y. S. (1966) Production of cardamom oil. Spices Bulletin, 6 (1). pp. 2-3.
Nanjundaswamy, A. M. and Lakshminarayana, Setty. and Rahim, A. and Siddappa, G. S. (1966) A note on proximate mineral and vitamin composition of some important varieties of mangoes of Andhra Pradesh. Indian Food Packer, 20 (3). pp. 22-26.
Nanjundaswamy, A. M. and Rahim, A. and Siddappa, G. S. (1966) Proximate composition and suitability for preservation of some important varieties of mangoes grown in Salem. Indian Food Packer, 20 (3). pp. 15-21.
Narayan Rao, M. and Morrison, A. B. (1966) Evaluation Of Protein In Foods Xii. Effects Of Calorie Restriction. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 44. pp. 1365-1375.
Padival, R. A. and Srinivasan, M. (1966) Preparation of precooked, dehydrated powder from pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima). Journal of Food Science and Technology, 3. pp. 164-165. ISSN 0022-1155
Panda, P. C. and Panda, B. (1966) Coccidiosis in poultry. Farm Jorunal, 7 (6). p. 12.
Parpia, H. A. B. (1966) Protein foods for less developed countries. Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Food Science and Technology. pp. 53-75.
Parpia, H. A. B. (1966) Symposium on the Technology of Rice and Rice Products. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 25 (1). pp. 3-6.
Parpia, H. A. B. and Subramanian, N. (1966) Plant protein foods in India. Advances in Chemistry Series, 57. pp. 112-132.
Parpia, H. A. B. and Swaminathan, M. (1966) Food Shortage and Middle-Class Diet. Bhavan's Journal, 13 (8). pp. 1-7.
Parpia, H. A. B. and Swaminathan, M. (1966) Production of nutritious food supplements from indigenous protein rice vegetable food stuffs for feeding weaned infants and children. Your Health, 15. pp. 2-5.
Perumal, A. S. and Swamy, T. S. A. and Lakshman, M. R. and Jungalwalla, F. B. and Rama Rao, P. B. (1966) Biosynthesis of sulphated mucopolysaccharides in relation to vitamins A and K. Biochemica Biophysica Acta, 124. pp. 95-100.
Ramachandra, B. S. and Ranganna, S. and Subba Rao, L. S. and Kalbag, S. S. (1966) An improved equipment for the manufacture of preserves. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 3 (3). pp. 103-108.
Ramachandra, B. S. and Subba Rao, L. S. and Ranganna, S. (1966) Studies on preparation and storage of ash gourd preserve by the hot continuous concentration process. Indian Food Packer, 20 (6). pp. 5-10.
Ramakrishna, M. and Krishnaswamy, P. R. (1966) Formation of enzyme bound carbon dioxide in the reductive carboxylation of alpha-ketoglutarate by isocitrate dehydrogenase. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 25. pp. 378-382.
Ranganna, S. and Bajaj, B. D. (1966) Chemical additives in food. Indian Food Packer, 20 (2). pp. 37-67.
Ranganna, S. and Govindarajan, V. S. (1966) Leucoanthocyanins in cabbage and pink discolouration. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 3 (4). pp. 155-158.
Ranganna, S. and Lakshminarayana, Setty. and Nagaraja, K. V. (1966) Discolouration in canned guava. Indian Food Packer, 20 (5). pp. 5-13.
Rodrigues, J. and Subramanyam, H. (1966) Effect of pre-harvest spray of plant growth regulators on size, composition and storage behaviour of Coorg mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 17. pp. 425-427.
Sastry, M. V. (1966) Biochemical studies in the physiology of sapota. I. Physical changes. Indian Food Packer, 20 (6). pp. 11-15.
Sastry, M. V. (1966) Biochemical studies in the physiology of sapota. II. Major chemical constituents. Indian Food Packer, 20 (6). pp. 16-20.
Sen, D. P. (1966) Fish odors and the problems of their removal. Journal of Food Science and Technology (India), 3 (4). pp. 142-150.
Sen, D. P. and Rangaswamy, J. R. (1966) Use of pottassium sorbate and sodium benzoate in salted and sun-dried mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta). Journal of Food Science and Technology (India), 3. pp. 159-163.
Sen, D. P. and Satyanarayana Rao, T. S. (1966) Deodorisation of fish protein concentrate from Bombay Duck (Harpoden Nehereus). Journal of Food Science and Technology, 3 (1). pp. 27-28.
Sen, D. P. and Satyanarayana Rao, T. S. and Lahiry, N. L. (1966) Defatting and deodourisation of fish protein concentrate from Harpoden nehereus. Journal of Food Science, 31 (3). pp. 344-350.
Shankar, J. V. and Amla, B. L. and Sreenivasa Iyengar, M. S. and Indira, A. S. Murthy (1966) A pilot study of traditional paddy storage practices in villages. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 3 (2). pp. 62-65.
Sreekantiah, K. R. and Johar, D. S. (1966) Suitability of Bangalore Blue grapes (Vitis labrusca L.) for wine manufacture. Indian Food Packer, 20 (1). pp. 5-8.
Sreenivasa, G. S. (1966) Nature's Own Egg Factory. Farm Journal. pp. 10-11.
Srinivas, H. and Tasker, P. K. and Rajalakshmi, D. and Narayana Rao, M. and Rajagopalan, R. and Swaminathan, M. (1966) Studies on microatomised protein foods based blends of low fat groundnuts, soy and sesame flours and skim milk powder and fortified with vitamins, calcium salts and limiting amino acids. II. Amino. Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 3. pp. 42-46.
Srinivasa, H. and Tasker, P. K. and Narayana Rao, M. and Rajalakshmi, D. and Rajagopalan, R. and Swaminathan, M. (1966) Studies on microatomised protein foods based blends of low fat groundnut, soybean and sesame flours and skim milk powder and fortified with vitamins, calcium salts and limiting amino acids. III. Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 3 (4). pp. 126-128.
Srinivasa Rao, P. N. and Rajagopal, P. and Ramanathan, P. K. (1966) Studies on freeze drying of foods. Journal of Food Science and Technology (India), 3 (3). pp. 98-100.
Subba Rao, P. V. and Bhattacharya, K. R. (1966) Effect of parboiling on thiamine content of rice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 14. pp. 479-482.
Subramanian, N. (1966) Utilization of cottonseed flour. Journal of Food Science and Technology (India), 2. p. 71.
Swaminathan, M. (1966) Lathyrism. Its aetiology and prevention. Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 3. pp. 100-103.
Swaminathan, M. (1966) The use of soybean and its products in feeding infants and in the prevention of protein malnutrition in weaned infants and preschool children in developing countries. Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 3 (4). pp. 138-150.
Swaminathan, M. (1966) The use of Soyabean and its Products in Feeding Infants and in the Prevention of Protein Malnutrition in Weaned Infants and Pre-School Children in Developlng Countries. Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 3. pp. 138-150.
Tasker, P. K. and Ananthachar, T. K. and Kurup, K. R. and Srinivas, H. and Narayana Rao, M. and Rajagopalan, R. and Swaminathan, M. (1966) Studies on microatomised protein foods based on blends of low fat groundnut, soy and sesame flours and skim milk powder and fortified with vitamins, calcium salts and limiting amino acids. I.Preparation, Chemical Composition and Shelf Life. Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 3. pp. 38-41.
Varma, T. N. R. (1966) Protein-lipid interactions affecting the quality of protein foods. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 4. pp. 121-123.
Veerraju, P. and Karel, M. (1966) Controlling atmosphere in a fresh fruit package. Modern Packaging, 40 (2). 168, 170, 172, 174, 254.
Vibhakar, S. and Prabhakar, J. V. and Bhatnagar, H. C. (1966) The clarification and deacidification of grape juice by ion exchange resins. Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture, 17. pp. 488-490.
Visweswaraiah, K. and Vernekar, V. S. and Nalini Shetty, K. (1966) Processing prawn head waste and squilla as poultry feed. Research and Industry, 11 (1). pp. 5-8.
Visweswariah, K. and Alphonsus, R. and Nalini Shetty, K. and Shankaranarayana, D. V. (1966) Effect of spice oils on the keeping quality of shrimp. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 3. pp. 18-20.