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Anand, J. C. and Johar, D. S. (1957) Effect of condiments on the control of Aspergillus niger in mango pickle. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16A. pp. 370-373.


Bhagavan, R. K. and Swaminathan, M. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) Sodium content of foods and the planning of low sodium diets. Journal of Mysore Medical Association, 22 (2). pp. 1-9.

Bhatia, B. S. and Kapur, N. S. and Bhatia, D. S. and Girdhari, Lal. (1957) Studies on the non-enzymatic browning of foods -organic acid - amino acid model systems. Food Research, 22 (3). pp. 266-272.

Bhatia, B. S. and Siddappa, G. S. and Girdhari, Lal. (1957) Retention of added ascorbic acid in canned jack fruit during processing and storage. Food Science, 6. pp. 10-12.


Chandrashekhara, M. R. and Bhagavan, R. K. and Swaminathan, M. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) The use of mammalian milk and processed milk foods in the feeding of infants. Indian Journal of Child Health. pp. 701-710.

Chandrashekhara, M. R. and Doraiswamy, T. R. and Swaminathan, M. and Bhatia, D. S. and Sankaran, A. N. and Subramanyan, V. (1957) Infant food from buffalo milk. V. Infant feeding trials. Food Science Bulletin, 6. pp. 241-243.

Chandrashekhara, M. R. and Sreenivasamurthy, V. and Swaminathan, M. and Bhatia, D. S. and Subramanyan, V. (1957) Infant food from Buffalo milk. II. Standardisation of conditions for the preparation. Food Science Bulletin, 6. pp. 228-232.

Chandrashekhara, M. R. and Swaminathan, M. (1957) The enzymes of pearl millet Pennisetum typhoideum malt: Part I. Amylases. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16C. pp. 35-38.

Chandrashekhara, M. R. and Swaminathan, M. and Bhatia, D. S. and Subramanyan, V. (1957) Infant food from buffalo milk. I. Effect of different treatments on curd tension. Food Science Bulletin, 6. pp. 226-228.

Chandrashekhara, M. R. and Swaminathan, M. and Bhatia, D. S. and Subramanyan, V. (1957) Infant food from buffalo milk. III. Shelf-life of the product. Food Science Bulletin, 6. pp. 232-237.

Chandrashekhara, M. R. and Swaminathan, M. and Sankaran, A. N. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) Studies on the nutritive value of balanced malt foods. Bulletin of Central Food Technological Research Institute, 6. pp. 1-3.

Chandrashekhara, M. R. and Swaminathan, M. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) Infant nutrition and infant foods. 2. Processed milk foods. Indian Dairyman, 9. 38-44,48.

Cole, E. R. and Kapur, N. S. (1957) The stability of lycopene. I. Degradation by oxygen and II. Oxidation during heating of tomato pulps. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 8. pp. 360-368.


Desikachar, H. S. R. and Patwardhan, M. V. and Sastry, L. V. L. and Srinivasan, M. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) Detection of adulteration of ghee with vanaspati. Part II. Measurement of turbidity temperatures with benzylalcoholglycerine as solvent. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16B. pp. 216-219.

Desikachar, H. S. R. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) The curing of freshly harvested paddy. Part I. Principles of curing. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16A. pp. 365-367.

Desikachar, H. S. R. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) The curing of freshly harvested paddy. Part II. Applications. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16A. pp. 368-370.


Girdhari, Lal and Siddappa, G. S. and Bhatia, B. S. (1957) Improvement of quality of preserved Coorg orange juice. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 14 (2). pp. 1-6.

Girdhari, Lal. and Parekh, C. M. (1957) Treatments of cannery effluents. Indian Food Packer, 11 (10). pp. 21-24.

Girdhari, Lal. and Pruthi, J. S. (1957) Indian mandarin oils, their physico-chemical composition and future scope. Indian Food Packer, 27 (7). pp. 8-12.

Girdhari, Lal. and Ranganna, S. (1957) Water for fruit and vegetable processing plants. Indian Food Packer, 11 (10). pp. 7-12.


Jain, N. L. and Girdhari, Lal and Krishnamurthy, G. V. (1957) Further studies in the preparation and uses of mango cereal flakes. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 14 (3). pp. 1-7.

Jain, N. L. and Girdhari, Lal. (1957) Some studies in the utilization of jack fruit wastes as a source of pectin. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 14 (4).


Kadkol, S. B. (1957) Analysis of shati-food. Food Science, 6 (6). pp. 135-136.

Kadkol, S. B. and Pingale, S. V. and Swaminathan, M. (1957) Changes effected by insect infestation in groundnut kernels. Bulletin of Central Food Technological Research Institute, 6 (2). p. 30.

Kantha, Joseph and Narayana Rao, M. and Swaminathan, M. and Subramanyan, V. (1957) The metabolism of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus in undernourshed children. 3. The effect of a supplementary multipurpose food on the metabolism of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus. British Journal of Nutrition, 11. pp. 388-391.

Kantha, Joseph. and Narayana Rao, M. and Sankaran, A. N. and Swaminathan, M. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) The relative value of the proteins of Indian multipurpose food, Bengal gram (Cicer arietinum) and skimed milk powder in meeting the protein requirements of protein-depleted animals. Annals of Biochemistry and Experimental Medicine, 17. pp. 103-106.

Kantha, Joseph. and Narayana Rao, M. and Swaminathan, M. and Sankaran, A. N. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) Nutritive value of Indian multipurpose food. Food Science, 6 (4). pp. 80-83.

Kantha, Joseph. and Narayana Rao, M. and Swaminathan, M. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) Supplementary value of Indian multipurpose food to poor vegetarian diets based on Italian millet (Setaria italica) and little millet (Panicum miliare). Food Science, 6 (9). pp. 205-207.

Kantha, Joseph. and Narayana Rao, M. and Swaminathan, M. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) The effect of supplementary multipurpose food on the metabolism of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus in undernourished children. Food Science, 6 (4). pp. 91-92.

Kapur, N. S. and Narayanan, K. M. and Bains, G. S. and Bhatia, D. S. (1957) Colorimetric determination of vanillin. Chemistry and Industry, 12. pp. 72-73.

Krishna Murthy, R. G. and Raghunatha Rao, Y. K. (1957) Effect of drying of rice bran on oil extraction by ethyl alcohol. Bulletin of Central Food Technological Research Institute, 6. pp. 47-49.

Krishnamurthy, K. and Narayana Rao, M. and Swaminathan, M. and Bhatia, D. S. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) Studies on the composition, storage and nutritive value of palm oil. Food Science, 6. pp. 248-252.

Krishnamurthy, K. and Pantulu, A. J. and Swaminathan, M. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) Studies on the stability of oils in pickles. Food Science, 6. pp. 133-135.

Kuppuswamy, S. and Kantha, Joseph. and Narayana Rao, M. and Rama Rao, G. and Sankaran, A. N. and Swaminathan, M. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) Supplementary value of Indian multipurpose food to poor vegetarian diets based on different cereals and millets. Food Science, 6. pp. 84-86.

Kuppuswamy, S. and Kantha, Joseph. and Narayana Rao, M. and Rama Rao, G. and Sankaran, A. N. and Swaminathan, M. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) The nutritive value of the proteins of Indian multipurpose food. Food Science, 6 (4). pp. 86-89.

Kuppuswamy, S. and McBean, D. M. (1957) Effect of coating with starch and starch fractions on storage of dehydrated carrot. Food Technology, 11. pp. 262-265.

Kursanov, A. L. (1957) The Role of Tracer Atoms in the Study of Plant Life. Food Science, 6 (9). pp. 207-209.


Lewis, Y. S. and Dwarakanath, C. T. and Johar, D. S. (1957) Further studies on red tamarind. Current Science, 26. pp. 394-395.

Lewis, Y. S. and Dwarakanath, C. T. and Johar, D. S. (1957) Production of baker`s yeast. Research and Industry, 2. pp. 298-299.

Lulla, B. S. and Johar, D. S. (1957) Synthesis of riboflavin by Ermothecium ashbyii. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16C. pp. 45-48.


Majumder, S. K. and Padma, M. C. (1957) Screening of carbohydrates for sporulation of bacilli in fluid medium. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 3. pp. 369-342.

Mathew, G. (1957) Disposal of Cannery Wastes. Food Science, 6 (9). p. 209.

Moorjani, M. N. (1957) Some aspects of the Australian fish processing industries. Food Science, 6. pp. 185-188.

Moorjani, M. N. and Iyengar, J. R. (1957) Tetrazolium reduction test in relation to spices of fish, pH of the media and incubation peroid. Food Science, 6. pp. 203-205.

Moorjani, M. N. and Iyengar, J. R. and Bhatia, D. S. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) Use of 2-3-5 triphenyl tetrazolium chloride for assessing the quality of fish. Food Science, 6. pp. 275-276.

Murthy, H. B. N. and Anandaswamy, B. and Srinivasan, K. S. and Muthu, M. and Iyengar, N. V. R. and Pingale, S. V. (1957) Studies on the pacakaging of walnut kernels. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16A. pp. 570-573.

Murthy, H. B. N. and Rama Rao, G. and Swaminathan, M. (1957) Studies on the starch. Synthesizing enzymes in tapioca (Manihot utilissima) roots. Enzymologia, 18 (1). pp. 63-75.


Nagabhushanam, A. and Srinivasan, K. S. and Srinivasan, M. (1957) Oxidative enzymes and phosphatases in Agave vera Cruz Mill. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16C. pp. 127-129.

Narayanan, K. M. and Kapur, N. S. and Bains, G. S. and Bhatia, D. S. (1957) Effect of vanillin on stability of vegetable shortening. Food Science, 6. pp. 245-248.

Natarajan, C. P. and Bhatia, D. S. (1957) Soluble coffee. Indian Coffee, 21. pp. 110-115.

Natarajan, C. P. and Iyengar, J. R. and Bhatia, D. S. (1957) Studies on tannin-like constituents in coffee. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16C. pp. 42-44.


Parpia, H. A. B. and Swaminathan, M. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) Plan for the manufacture of Indian multipurpose food. Food Science, 6 (4). pp. 96-99.

Patwardhan, M. V. and Sastry, L. V. L. (1957) Effect of asafoetida on the intestinal (wall) enzyme systems in vitro. Bulletin of Central Food Technological Research Institute, 6 (2). pp. 27-28.

Pingale, S. V. and Kadkol, S. B. and Narayana Rao, M. and Swaminathan, M. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) Effect of insect infestation on stored grain. 2. Studies on husked, hand pounded and milled raw rice, and parboiled milled rice. Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture, 8. pp. 512-516.

Pruthi, J. S. (1957) Spin pasteurizer - its principle, performance and industrial applications. Food Science, 6 (8). pp. 179-182.


Raghunatha Rao, Y. K. (1957) Development of alcohol extraction of oils. Indian Oilseeds Journal, 1. pp. 148-151.

Rama Rao, G. and Kadkol, S. B. (1957) Water-extractable nitrogen in Indian pulses. Food Science, 6 (7). pp. 154-155.


Sastry, L. V. L. (1957) Estimation of organic sulphur in asafoetida. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16B. pp. 508-510.

Sathyanarayana, M. N. and Rama Rao, G. (1957) Nutritive value of the leaves of Sauropus androgynus (L) Merr. (Chakur Manis). Bulletin of Central Food Technological Research Institute, 6. p. 29.

Sen, D. P. (1957) Canning of Fish. Food Science, 6 (6). pp. 131-138.

Shurpalekar, S. R. (1957) Good Sanitation Practices Reduce Cleaning Time and Improve Bakery Products. Food Science, 6 (5). pp. 103-104.

Siddappa, G. S. (1957) Effect of processing on the trypsin inhibitor in jack fruit seed (Artocarpus integrifolia). Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16C. pp. 199-201.

Siddappa, G. S. (1957) Preservation of Vegetables by Salting. Food Science, 6 (12). pp. 276-280.

Siddappa, G. S. and Bhatia, B. S. (1957) Supplementary value of fresh jack fruit with or without honey to poor rice diet. Annals of Biochemistry and Experimental Medicine, 17 (1). pp. 23-26.

Siddappa, G. S. and Bhatia, B. S. (1957) Supplementary value of orange juice powder to poor rice diet. Annals of Biochemistry and Experimental Medicine, 17 (1). pp. 15-18.

Sreenivasamurthy, V. and Swaminathan, M. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) Stability of vitamin B12 in proteolysed liver extract. Bulletin of Central Food Technological Research Institute, 6. pp. 3-4.

Srinivasan, M. (1957) Effects of certain protein foods on blood sugar levels and glucose tolerance. Lancet, 273. pp. 317-320.

Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) Food grains from tapioca. Food Science, 6. pp. 183-185.

Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) Paste goods industry in India - Its place and prospects. Food Science, 6 (6). pp. 127-131.

Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) Some problems and processes relating to the utilization of oils, oilseed meals and oilseed proteins. Indian Oilseeds Journal, 1. pp. 139-141.

Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) A scientific approach to the food grain problem. Food Science, 6 (11). pp. 252-257.

Subrahmanyan, V. and Bhatia, D. S. and Natarajan, C. P. (1957) Adulteration of coffee and its detection. Indian Coffee, 21. pp. 8-18.

Subrahmanyan, V. and Chandrashekhara, M. R. and Bhatia, D. S. and Swaminathan, M. (1957) Production of infant food and other products from buffalo milk in India. Bulletin of Central Food Technological Research Institute, 6. pp. 52-57.

Subrahmanyan, V. and Chandrashekhara, M. R. and Swaminathan, M. and Bhatia, D. S. (1957) Production of infant food in India. Indian Dairyman, 9. pp. 276-280.

Subrahmanyan, V. and Doraiswamy, T. R. and Kantha, Joseph. and Narayana Rao, M. and Swaminathan, M. (1957) Treatment of nutritional oedema syndrome (Kwashiorkor) with a low cost protein food (Indian multipurpose food). Food Science, 6. pp. 93-95.

Subrahmanyan, V. and Girdhari, Lal. and Bhatia, D. S. and Jain, N. L. and Bains, G. S. and Srinath, K. V. and Anandaswamy, B. and Krishna, B. H. and Lakshminarayana, S. K. (1957) Studies on banana pseudostem starch: Production, yield, physico-chemical properties and uses. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 5. pp. 253-261.

Subrahmanyan, V. and Kantha, Joseph. and Doraiswamy, T. R. and Narayana Rao, M. and Sankaran, A. N. and Swaminathan, M. (1957) Effect of supplementary multipurpose food on the growth and nutritional status of school children. Food Science, 6 (4). pp. 89-91.

Subrahmanyan, V. and Krishnamurthy, K. and Sreenivasamurthy, V. and Swaminathan, M. (1957) The effect of garlic in the diet on the intestinal microflora of rats. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16C. pp. 173-174.

Subrahmanyan, V. and Lulla, B. S. and Narayana Rao, M. and Johar, D. S. and Swaminathan, M. (1957) Investigations on the medicinal properties of banana. Part 1. The chemical composition and nutritive value of banana. Annals of Biochemistry and Experimental Medicine, 17 (5). pp. 155-160.

Subrahmanyan, V. and Narayana Rao, M. and Swaminathan, M. (1957) Lathyrism. Food Science, 6. pp. 156-159.

Subrahmanyan, V. and Narayana Rao, M. and Swaminathan, M. (1957) The nutritive value of low fat groundnut flour. Bulletin of Central Food Technological Research Institute, 6 (1). pp. 5-10.

Subrahmanyan, V. and Rama Rao, G. and Kuppuswamy, S. and Narayana Rao, M. and Swaminathan, M. (1957) Standardization of conditions for the production of Indian multipurpose food. Food Science, 6 (4). pp. 76-79.

Subrahmanyan, V. and Sreenivasa Murthy, V. and Krishnamurthy, K. and Swaminathan, M. (1957) Studies on the antibacterial activity of spices. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16C. pp. 240-241.

Subrahmanyan, V. and Sreenivasamurthy, V. and Krishnamurthy, K. and Swaminathan, M. (1957) Role of intestinal microflora in human health and nutrition. Food Science, 6. pp. 104-110.

Subrahmanyan, V. and Swaminathan, M. (1957) Adverse weather conditions and seasonal food shortages-A practical approach to the problem. Food Science, 6 (4). pp. 159-162.

Subramanian, N. and Rao, M. V. L. and Srinivasan, M. (1957) Amino acid composition of cashew nut globulin. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16C. p. 24.

Subramanyan, V. and Chandrashekhara, M. R. and Swaminathan, M. and Bhatia, D. S. (1957) Infant food from buffalo milk. IV. Large scale production of infant food. Food Science Bulletin, 6. pp. 238-240.

Subramanyan, V. and Kantha, Joseph and Doraiswamy, T. R. and Narayana Rao, M. and Sankaran, A. N. and Swaminathan, M. (1957) The effect of a supplementary multipurpose food on the growth and nutritional status of school children. British Journal of Nutrition, 11 (4). pp. 382-388.


Venkat Rao, S. and Nuggehalli, R. N. and Pingale, S. V. and Swaminathan, M. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) The relation between the uric acid content and the extent of kernel damage in insect infested grain. Food Science, 6. pp. 273-275.

Venkat Rao, S. and Nuggehalli, R. N. and Swaminathan, M. and Pingale, S. V. and Subrahmanyan, V. (1957) A simple method for assessing the extent of insect damage in commercial samples of stored grains. Food Science, 6. pp. 102-103.

Venkat Rao, S. and Pantulu, A. J. (1957) The chemical composition of nutritive value of groundnut (peanut) and its products. Indian Oilseeds Journal, 1. pp. 322-329.

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